Her Name Was Lisa 1979

Her Name Was Lisa 1979

Year of production: 1979 Director: Richard Mahler Studio: VCA Cast: Barbara Daniels, Bobby Astyr, David Pierce, Erica Richardson, Randy West, Rick Iverson, Robin Byrd, Ron Hudd, Samantha Fox, Vanessa del Rio Description: The first and most popular erotic feature directed by Roger Watkins (LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END STREET), HER NAME WAS LISA is a chilling study in sexual and emotional manipulation, punctuated by arresting performances from Samantha Fox and Vanessa Del Rio. Long unavailable in its original form and only viewable through grey market sources, Vinegar Syndrome brings this explicit classic to Blu-ray, fully restored from its original 35mm camera negative and completely uncut. Shown in flashbacks by those who now show remorse at her at her funeral, a photographer invites a prostitute to pose for him. They sleep once and he treats her fair, but both his publisher and a stranger woman called Carmen lead to her degradation and untimely demise. Quality of video: BDRip